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أحلى فنّ للرسم التعبيري

 Special Interview With The Painter Artist Ms. Dzovig Arnelian

1)-Why you choose to be a painter?

In my teenage years I struggled in expressing myself and my emotions verbally, thus I have always searched for alternative ways to do so, After exploring many hobbies and art mediums, painting in specific became my new way of talking through shapes and colors, It eventually became a way to keep a visual diary of my life and my emotions.

2)- On what age did you discover your talent?

I discovered that I love drawing by the age of 13.

3)- How did you start painting and who supported or motivated you?

It started off by a regular activity of afternoon drawing time and soon grew to become my passion; I was motivated to pursue this path by my uncle who subscribed me for art lessons with the artist Megerdich Arslanian.

4)- Tell us about Your Last Experience as a painter Participant in REBIRTH BEIRUT Art Exhibition?

The last group exhibition that I was part of was “The Human Condition” which was organized by Arneli Art Gallery at Rebirth Beirut, The exhibition was divided into themed rooms. My artworks were exhibited in a room titled “The Intimate Space” I showed 5 artworks that revolved around the theme of intimacy with the self and with the other, It was a wonderful experience to show my work among 15 incredibly talented artists and to discuss my work with the Lebanese audience.

5)- what is the advantage and disadvantage of being a Painter in Lebanon?

The advantage of being a painter in Lebanon is the great opportunity we have for learning and improvement, The Lebanese culture is a very rich one and thus a painter has so much room to grow intellectually and technically in his art, The disadvantage of being an artist in Lebanon is the little to no opportunities given for artists to have a stable financial return on their talents.

6)- What is your dream project as a Professional Painter?

As a professional painter I would love to have a solo exhibition of my works in different areas of the world.

7)- Do You Teach Painters? Tell us about your Teaching Career where do you teach and your Students Ages Etc…

I have a long career in teaching art in different art schools and especially for kids whose ages range from 6 to 18 years old I have also worked with students who have special cases like tongue tied children. It is always wonderful to work with kids as their creativity and boldness in color depiction always fascinates me.

8)- How does painting effect on kids personality, Mentality, Health and the way of Living?

Painting has an incredibly positive impact on children of all ages as it boosts their self-confidence and helps them to express themselves. Art also allows them to explore things freely and creatively which intrigues the brain and improves their creative problem-solving abilities. In general art improves children’s way of living and opens new horizons for them in many different ways.

9)- Nowadays How much does it cost for parents to teach one Kid to learn painting and to take courses Twice per week?

Depending on the Art school they are attending to and whether this school is providing the materials or not, a fair price is set by each school.

10)- Name three artists you’d like to be compared to.

I would like to name 3 artists that my work is inspired from instead: Francesca Woodmann, Frida Kahlo, and Yve Klein.

11)- Where are your Favorite or most inspirational place you like to go to paint?

My art studio is my favorite place to be when I want to paint accompanied with music all day long.

12)-What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

The fastest way of growing is slowly.

13)- Professionally, what’s your goal?

My goal is to have my artworks exposed in different regions of the world and presented by several galleries.

14)- How is the Life of an artist in Lebanon? What are the problems that you are facing or things that you struggle with?

The life of an artist in Lebanon is rather a hard one, With the little financial support given to people pursuing artistic careers, the financial challenge becomes the major challenge.

15)- what kind of Support you ask from the Government to do for the Painters & Artists in Lebanon?

We ask the Lebanese government and artistic institutions to denote part of their budgets to buy art from emerging artists and support artists in different ways in Lebanon.

16)- What are Your Advices for Beginners in Painting?

Never give up on pursuing an artistic career, If this is your true passion you will eventually become good at it and find your way through.

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